Amazing that our nephew is already turning one! I've already made the Hooded Kaftan pattern from Debbie Bliss' Ecobaby book before but I realized for a great big toddler, it really needed to have a pocket added. And what does a red hoodie's pocket need? A monkey, of course.
I again used Berocco Touche on size 7 needles. The gauge was way bigger than the original pattern but using the smallest size's stitch numbers and the 24-36 mo. pattern's inch measurements worked out perfectly.
The pocket was just casting on 40 st, stockinette for 10 rows then short rows (wrap and turns at each end). The short rows progressively left 6 stitches unknit at each end, then 3 more, then 2 more, then 1 more 3 times, which left 12 stitches at the top to cast off. All of the stitches that had been left behind on the short rows were then knit in garter stitch for 4 rows, k2 together 6 stitches from the outside edge on every other row, then casting off. Lightly block everything then stitch the pocket on (after attaching a monkey, if desired). Wow, it sounds more complicated than it is to do. I think it turned out really cute and I really think I'm in love with this pattern - I never knit a pattern twice!
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