I got the bottomweight fabric necessary to start me on my Christmas "shopping bags for everybody" project. With materials and tools now at my disposal, I went home and learned how to use a serger and how to use my sewing machine to do simple appliques. Below is the first bag...not professional quality, but sturdy and neatly done.

After sewing around the bottom, I used the serger to give it a quick finish. SOOOO EASY! I think I'm in love. Thank you for the early birthday/Christmas present, Mom!

And for my final sidenote, I've been meaning to post this photo since November 1. It's the huge batch of Three Bean Casserole that I made and froze. Four solid meals worth. I carried the casseroles down to the freezer in the huge pan I made the batch in. I got it at an estate sale. It's black enamel on the outside, bright red inside, and absolutely enormous. It makes me very happy.