Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Lunch

Summer Squash Salad, Caprese Salad, and Homemade Bread

We had the first fresh zucchini and yellow crookneck yesterday and we had just gotten some beautiful basil from a local farmer. The squash salad was a first time experiment, as was the mozzarella. For the mozzarella, I used this easy to follow tutorial. The texture turned out a little grainy but it was still really good. I'm anxious to try again. I think I may have let the milk get a couple of degrees too hot before adding the rennet.

Summer Squash Salad (adapted from free magazine from health food store)
2 T soy sauce + 2 T almond butter + 2 t curry powder
Whisk together until well mixed - it will be thick, just short of pasty

yellow crookneck squash + zucchini (about 8 oz. each)
Use a vegetable peeler to create squash "noodles". Use the skin. I found that I couldn't make strips from the core of the squash so that went to the chickens.

Stir the veggie strips into the soy sauce mixture. Add...
1/4 c shredded coconut + 1/3 c golden raisins

Serve or refrigerate. (The original recipe also called for cilantro, which I didn't have, but we didn't really miss it. I also think adding cashews would be delicious.)

Latest Whole Wheat Bread Recipe
(aka "The search for a whole wheat sandwich loaf")

1 1/2 c water
1/2 c milk powder
6 T melted butter
2 eggs (Lacey's, so probably 1 1/2 "normal eggs")
2 T sugar
3/4 t salt
4 1/2 c home-milled whole wheat flour
1 T yeast

I did get a good rise, always an exciting sign using entirely whole wheat flour and perhaps a result of adding in the extra sugar for the yeast to get excited about. As it cooled it got a little crumbly, although that was better than it usually is as well. Maybe 2 regular sized eggs would help with binding? Either way, it's still delicious with butter and jam. This is one of those experiments that is not painful to repeat until I finally manage to get it just right.

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