Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby Vegetables

What a beautiful view to be greeted with each morning! From my front the right

to the left

Today's Harvest - First Beet!

Baby tomatoes, we've gotten about a dozen cherry tomatoes and 5 or 6 ripe Romas so far

Baby Pumpkin
Baby Pink Jumbo Banana Squash (still wearing it's blossom hat)

Baby Cucumber

Baby Corn

Baby Cauliflower

Baby Cabbage

Not really babies, but little broccoli sideshoots; those plants just keep producing

Yes, yes, I know it's a blossom but it can be thought of as a very, very baby yellow squash. :)

I was irresponsible and let all the camera batteries die so pictures of baby eggplant, baby purple bean and big, huge ripening tomato will have to wait.

Over the weekend, Mama managed to cut up all 96 pounds of apples and freeze them ready for making pies to sell at boutique. They made 180 cups of apples, which equals 30 pies. We also picked another 10 pounds of blueberries. She has them frozen so she has enough blueberries for 20 triple berry pies. She already has the strawberries frozen at home and we're off to get the blackberries picked.

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