The black-eyed peas I planted last week all seem to have decided that today was the day to sprout.
The corn rows are coming up nicely, still punctuated by the lettuce I decided not to disturb. We had our first meal of salad greens on Friday night from the larger bed. A few ounces of lettuce and three radishes so far...
Here's the beginning of this fall's pumpkins. The cucumbers and other squash are all about this size.
The basil seedlings got transplanted today. I hope they make it. The tomatoes that I grew are pretty sad. I transplanted them but I'll probably have to buy some starts. A few cabbage made it. I'm going to direct sow some more cabbage seeds. Looks like I'll also need to get an eggplant (one seems to have made it), a couple of peppers (one's currently alive), onion sets and some broccoli, cauliflower, and celery. I think I'll get better at proper hardening off with more practice.
The lupines are getting even prettier. The bumblebees love them. I think we must have a hive nearby. Q suspects its under the back patio pad. Speaking of bees, ours have been going crazy in the last few days of warm weather. Maybe we can even add a honey super in a couple of weeks! We're going to do a check next weekend.
The cedars are getting taken down tomorrow. It will be so nice to have a shot at growing things back there.
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