Friday, August 20, 2010

Canned Suncrest Peaches

Around here, the first canning peaches ready are the Suncrests and, since we're going to be out of town for the end of August, I needed to get a quick start this year on Quentin's winter supply.

I made 14 quarts of canned peaches plus a crisp out of 2 boxes ($18.99/box) of peaches. It was the longest, most torturous canning I have ever done. The peaches were quite a bit less ripe than I had thought so they didn't skin well, even after blanching, and their "freestones" were not quite free yet. At least I got a lot of practice paring...? Sometimes bright sides are a little tricky to find. It seemed absurd that only two canner loads ate up 6 hours of my time.

I'm just over a third of the way to my goal of 40 quarts for this season. Rather than going to Detering's and buying them by the box next time I'm going to go to Bush Fern View and pick them myself. That way I'll have more control over their ripeness and if it's difficult it will be my own fault. :)

Unrelated but still lovely, Q and I had an omelet for lunch that consisted of Little Miss' first 5 eggs (produced in five days!).

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