Monday, January 18, 2010

Baking with Spelt

I got busy today and baked one of our remaining pumpkins. The resulting quart of mashed pumpkin was quickly turned into bread. Hopefully, some of it will make it into the freezer, although it's disappearing at an alarming rate. (There was an additional small loaf that never made it to the photo shoot.)

I also found out that Q really loves toasted pumpkin seeds, so I'll have to get into the making those when I have a pumpkin. I think I'm going to try it on our next acorn squash as well. I can't imagine that it really matters what winter squash donates the seeds.

I also made a loaf of sandwich bread for Q's lunches this week. After so many months of trying to learn to bake gluten-free, using a grain that contains gluten seems like cheating. Bread just rises, no fuss, no muss. Brilliant.

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